sábado, julio 19, 2008


Publicado por V. en 5:48 a. m.
What happened to that girl? Where is she now?
That girl I used to be, innocent and thoughtless, where is she? That girl who used to write in Spanish and not in English, that girl who used to delight everybody and not hurt them?

That girl was nothing else but laughter and sweet dreams. She once climbed a tree thinking that she would be able to see the end of the rainbow from the top and find the treasure which would serve to help her poor parents.

That girl could see beauty even in the scariest insect: she trully believed that everything was possible, that everyone was good, and that everywhere was a magic place that hid some secret that needed to be discovered. That girl could create an entertaining game in less than five seconds and for her every challenge seemed more like an adventure.That girl is dead. They've killed her, I have killed her. People, time and places did not give her a chance. She could not breathe, so she drowned. She drowned in lies and social conventions, she drowned in what she was supposed to be, in what it was expected from her, in what everyone wanted.

I am sad. I did not see her die, I was busy trying to be polite and correct. Borges said once "If I could live my life again, I would commit more mistakes", and that girl was nothing but forced to follow that blessed red tape. But I've got sick of queuing! I don't wanna live afraid and hidden, I don't wanna be a straight tree! I want my branches to be curved and to form funny shapes where birds can nest, where creatures may come to life. I want to be covered with flowers during spring and the summer, and not to be pruned in the autumn so that I will grow better...and what is "better" anyway?

It's my time to be the hero, it's time to be the protagonist of my own life. I want to save that girl, bring her back to life...but how? I wanna believe, just like she would have believed in all her innocence, that that is possible. Though I think she might not be dead after all, since the eco of her voice still survives in my ears, as well as her sighs and laughter continue to bounce on my belly. I can rescue her from fear and silence, I can free her from political correctness...and maybe one day I will be a little more like her.

6 comentarios:

Fran on 10:39 p. m. dijo...

Valentinita, te dejo 2 respuestas sobre lo q escribiste.

1.- Eso pasa cuando te empiezas a juntar con la Naty y conmigo!!!! jajajajaja

2.-Mi querida Vale, sólo te puedo decir que las personas van cambiando con el tiempo, puede que para bien o para mal, pero el punto es que serúa totalmente incorrecto escoger uno de los sides, sino que por lo contrario. Cuando uno cambia, uno deja de ser de una forma para convertirse en otra forma, pero uno nunca pierde la esencia. Uno puede hablar sobre otras personas y volverse más frívola que nunca, pero muy por dentro, q es la esencia de cada uno, uno no cambia. También siento que depende de cada uno que es lo que cambie y si va a ser para bien o para mal, y uno nunca le va a agradar en un 100% a las personas, por el mismo hecho que uno cambia, pero se tiene que a aprender a vivir con ello.
Creo que eso es todo lo que quería decirte, jejejeje, espero que sea entendible. jajaja
Ya Valentinita bonita con cara de guatita, jejej


Queene Mab

Fran on 11:12 p. m. dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Fran on 11:26 p. m. dijo...

Vale, te dejo mi nueva direccion de blog...



Fran on 1:21 p. m. dijo...

hey! honey, I just read ur last commentary on THE topic and now I understood it. The thing is I'm not sure how to approach to him. That's the thing, I mean he disapeared in the winter break and now he appears again! Oh honey, there's so much u don't know about some things that have happened to me and they're all related to the subject. Some day I'll tell u. That's why I understood it perfectly, besides I never read it closely, I suppose.
Good Luck in Richmond!

Fran on 8:23 p. m. dijo...


Fran on 6:59 p. m. dijo...

vale... honestamente pareciera ser q tu eras la unica q leia mi blog. I'm lacking of comments, lol

lokilla, actualize el blog aunque sea con un hola....



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